Families, please have at most 2 children
because the Earth’s Habitable Capacity is in
sustained decline due to Climate Change.

Earth’s habitable capacity for humans will be in decline for the foreseeable future due to the “baked in” momentum of the climate crisis. The world’s population is 8.0 billion and is growing at 1.09% per year. About half of the past scientific estimates of Earth’s habitable capacity are less than 8 billion. Scientists need to come to a consensus of the Earth’s current and future habitable capacities so the world’s population will have a simple and understandable measure.

If the world continues to fail in meeting greenhouse gas reduction goals, then at some point the world’s increasing population will exceed the Earth’s rapid decline in its habitable capacity. As this gap widens, millions will suffer, hundreds of thousands will involuntarily die, and millions will want to immigrate.

To help mitigate the consequences of this “if,” a new and additional action is needed. Humanity needs to voluntarily reduce the rate of growth of its population below what is currently forecast. To avoid the taint of racism, this action needs to be voluntarily and universally applied. The purpose of this Substack is to begin a campaign for the following:

Families, please have at most 2 children because the Earth’s Habitable Capacity is in sustained decline due to Climate Change.

Such an action means people at most replacing themselves within the population.

As explained in this article, even if this were immediately adopted, the world’s population would continue to increase for decades, but considerably less than currently forecast.

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Families, please have at most 2 children because the Earth’s Habitable Capacity is in sustained decline due to Climate Change.


Emeritus Professor, Kennesaw State University